Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year

Seems you guys are so busy with your lifestyles also ... This is the third time I tried to organise something but still couldn't work out ... nevermind .. I understand you all have your own busy schedule also, since I can't accomodate everyone timing, I'll give it a miss .. I think it's better for you guys to ask me out instead ..

Christmas and New Year coming .. so many wishes and thoughts in my mind ... there were so much things in my mind I felt like to accomplish them .. but so hard ... I don't know why but now seems I had become more impatient and furious in some way against some matters .. phew .. I just want things to work in fast result ... and sometime I'm too sentimental and emotion over some stuffs .. but I believed thats how the way I am .. phew ...

The Bottom Line:

The many work related details that you know like the back of your hand seem like an alien language to someone else, so if you really want to get your point across, you are going to have to connect the dots. Gratitude gives people a long memory. If you continue coming to people's aid today, you will be reaping huge rewards for a long time to come. Try not to show your cards before it is the right time to do so, you wouldn't want to share too much information and lose your competitive edge. It's time to keep your secrets closely guarded. This might be against your generous nature, but it is in your best interests.

Seems the horoscope is so true .. Somethings do really hard to explain .. and I have to kept it at heart ..

Santa Claus please wish my work goes well, grant my family and friends with good health and body .. Happy is the most important thing in life .. and lastly peace befall upon in this world ... For me .. a selfish wish, maybe let me encounter a very beautiful kind hearted lady and allow me to aid her in her rescue assistance and then become .. an item ? ... or let a fated nice girl befall ... I believed in fate .. Maybe .. wishful thinking ... All the best .. off to clear the piss of the Christmas Eve and New Year ..

For Justice, Honour, Pride & Passion

Simplicity 2008

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