Sunday, June 15, 2008


The Bottom Line

The changes you want to make aren't the changes you need to make.

Be open minded.

In Detail

Sometimes it's the quietest moment in your day that carries the biggest impact, you won't need thunder and lightening to tell you that you've come upon a huge revelation. The changes you want to make might not be the changes you need to make, so be open-minded about the conclusions you come to. These conclusions might not be what you expected or even what you wanted, but they will be the best answer. Don't hesitate to start down this new path. As soon as you do, you will know it's the right way.

In Conclusion

| K | is gradually have some changes within, I believed ... maybe to | K | mind set and life styles and lastly accepting some unexplainable | K | beliefs ...

For Justice, Honour, Pride & Passion

| K | - Simplicity 2008

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