Thursday, June 26, 2008

Lonely ..

The Bottom Line

Reflecting on life isn't selfish, it's selfless and it helps you be a better friend.

In Detail

Reflecting on your own life isn't selfish in a way, it's selfless. By understanding why you do the things you do, you are able to learn the right kind of lessons you need to become a better friend, a better partner, and a better employee. So don't feel bad about wanting to spend time alone, today. Even though other people who are getting together and having fun want you to join them, your energy is much better suited to introspection. It's a good thing.

In Conclusion

I'm really spending time alone lately on my sleeping off since not feeling well these few days ... bless me well as upcoming events are piling up .... Three off days of mine are been burned off ... Good luck to me ...

I hope all my friends and doing well and fine, the most important thing is to enjoy and being happy of what you are doing ...

Lastly ...

I'm tired also ... Bless me well and good luck ..

and ..

I think I'm having less affections ... I'll start all over again to take upon as a normal new friend, I feel it better to maintain a friendship rather than lose a good friend .. =) ... Hope you are doing fine .. I believed you can ..

For Justice, Honour, Pride & Passion

| K | - Simplicity 2008

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