Thursday, May 22, 2008

Perspective Views

Thoughts of an anonymous | K | ...

While travelling aimlessly nowhere along side of the border edged Singapore ... with no targeted destination or a common location in mind, and yet purely depending on the fate of any tell tale sign of whatever whereabouts to be heading to ... attention was being brought forward by two golden punked hair youth whom was heard talking loudly and sitting at the pavement near to a wooden bench ...

Observation was made and conversation was heard ... These youth appears to be in their age 14th to 16th and was having a discussion talk about their " Love Life Relation " ... with their perception ..

Located not far away from the youth was seen with another bench, | K | sat down for a little rest and at the same time to listen to the thoughts of voice between the youth perception of love and life ...

In conclusion ..

Conversation between these two youth could be say as hopeless and senseless ..
| K | felt wasted his precious time. Helplessly, a look and smile was shown at them ... Yet, in return, a glare was been pay back as in favour ..

| K | walk off, looking at the eyes of both of them and smile back to them with a grin, shaking his head and aimlessly to look for another aimless destination ..

Thoughts filled in ... | K | .. as if the scenario befall on him ..

Does liking a person had to break up other people just because of you like ?

Does liking a person had to go all the way to hurt another person ?

Does liking a person no need to care whatever circumstances and just to be with her is enough ?

Is this fair to him and fair to her ? ... Just because of you like ? ...

Aimlessly ... Wandering ... Days pasting by days ....

| K | eventually found the answer to the mist ..

From the people and from the life ...

If someone asked | K | what is the meaning of loving a person ?

This is the best quotation and answer | K | had adopted ..

When | K | really love and like a person,

No matter the whole world does not believes in her,
| K | would sat down to listen and trust in her ...

No matter under what circumstances of danger,
| K | would stand in front of her and defend for her ...

No matter how hard of a wish that she wish to be fulfill,
| K | would be her Aladdin genie to grant her wish ..

If | K | see her smile,
| K | would also be happy ...

If | K | see her cry,
| K | would also accompany and share the sadness with her ...

If | K | known she is being hurt,
| K | would blame himself why he did not protect her ...

When | K | feel she is not around,
| K | would worried about her safety ..

When | K | had lost her,
| K | would feel very sad and very helpless ..

If there is a chance | K | would like to protect her, take care of her ..
till she realised the existence of | K | ...

But ...

Now the person is already been filled with happiness and content of what she have, it doesn't matter who she is with, and she had already made the choice,

the only key factor | K | want her to have is

... Happiness and Bliss ...

| K | would stay away from her ..

because | K | cannot be stubborn and selfish ...

It is believe to be the way of the fate of life ..

A very nice song ...

which | K | would like to share as if the voice from the heart ..

If I Let You Go ... Westlife

Day after day, time pass away
And I just can't get you off my mind
Nobody knows, I hide it inside
I keep on searching but i can't find

The courage to show, to letting you know
I've never felt so much love before
And once again I'm thinking about
Taking the easy way out

But if I let you go, I will never know
What my life would be, holding you close to me
Will I ever see, you smiling back at me
How will I know, if I let you go

Night after night, I hear myself say
Why can't this feeling just fade away
There's no one like you, you speak to my heart
It's such a shame, we're worlds apart

I'm to too shy to ask, I'm to too proud to lose
But sooner or later I've gotta choose
And once again I'm thinking about
Taking the easy way out

But if I let you go, I will never know
What my life would be, holding you close to me
Will I ever see, you smiling back at me
How will I know, if I let you go

| K | will try to let you go ...

For Justice, Honour, Pride & Passion

| K | - Simplicity 2008

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